"The most alive and exciting actors have no idea what's going to happen in the moment."
Robert Colt

Acting is one unknown moment followed by the next unknown moment. This cannot be overstated enough. If you can predict it or know it, you're not in the moment, you're in your head.
Most actors, at some point, are taught script analysis which, by its very name and nature, tends to pull actors away from their instincts, emotions, and talent. The discovery, not the (anal-alysis), of the truth that lives within each script is meant to ignite an actors truth, imagination, inner life and open their hearts. Conversely, analysis often leads actors to the barren land of pre-conceived ideas. I say barren because pre-conceived ideas are without truth, imagination, inner life and heart. It's why I often say:
This doesn't mean you're not thinking when you're acting in the moment. It means your thoughts, along with your feelings and impressions, are now responding to the life that's spontaneously unfolding in the moment of what IS.
Over the years I've seen actors with more words and ideas on the margins of a script than what's on the page. These actors have now put themselves under immense pressure and obligation to bring these ideas to life, which have nothing to do with what will be happening in the moment.
I recently heard Joaquin Phoenix say when he's on the way to set, sometimes he'll get ideas of how to play a scene that he thinks is going to be great. But when he gets to the scene being shot he said his ideas NEVER work. I completely agree. I've never had a pre-conceived idea, no matter how excited I was about it, actually work. I've also never seen any of the ideas my acting students have brought into class work.
Ironically, what also gets in the way of actors, aside from ideas, is technique. Technique has its place but, ultimately, it tends to limit the actor. Many actors hold onto their technique for dear life, and in doing so, lose the life of the moment. The moment becomes sacrificed in the name of technique. Again, how can you possibly know what's going to happen until it happens? Clearly, you can't. It's why it's called being in the moment.
What's the solution?
You have to honor the circumstances while having a way of NOT ACTING and a way of NOT KNOWING what's going to happen.
This is where the most exciting actors live and this is what my ZEN of NOT acting class is all about.
"The head is dead."
Check out this example:
A student came into class one day flustered. When she got up to perform her scene from Christopher Durang's Beyond Therapy, she started tearing up and admitted she was having an awful day. She didn't think she could "be funny." In the scene, she was playing a therapist speaking with her patient.
I guided her through a process and asked her to trust me and trust herself. I encouraged her to do the scene exactly as she felt, no matter if she felt it "fit the scene" or not. She agreed. What unfolded was more spontaneous and exciting than anything they could have ever planned.
Her raw emotion flipped the dynamic. The actor playing her patient suddenly felt more like the therapist, and the result was hilarious. The class erupted with laughter. The words never changed, and they didn't technically reverse roles. They simply embraced the truth of the moment.
Afterward, I asked her how she felt. With a big sigh of relief and a smile she said, "Amazing."
That is the ZEN of NOT acting.
"The moment informs and forms you."
Robert Colt
"If you are unable to find the truth where you are, where else do you expect to find it."